Co2 Generator


A Johnson generator equipped with our new PPM controller counter balances plant respiration in all conditions to optimize yield and bloom quality by maximizing CO2 levels – up to 1,500 PPM.

  • Easy to hook up and program 3 units at one time
  • Controls the PPM in the greenhouse during light hours
  • One plug hook up is compatible with all Johnson CO2 generators.
  • Most growers do their own installation. No expensive duct work is required.
  • New purchases come with a burner lifetime warranty.
  • Simply set the gas pressure gauge to completely automate the desired CO2 levels in your greenhouse.
  • The 24V gas valve can be activated by a timer or an optional combination timer thermostat.
  • In case of flame failure, the gas supply shuts off automatically.

Maximize Growth & Yields with a Johnson CO2 Generator

Our CO2 units are used extensively in plant propagation in greenhouse production as well as nurseries to promote plant growth as well as plant health. It is widely known that CO2 enrichment is vital to certain plant species for quality production. These CO2 generators are used in closed greenhouse environment. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) generators are easy and inexpensive to install.  No expensive duct work is necessary and the CO2 production is diffused evenly without supplemental fans. Can be easily be installed in any greenhouse.

The Johnson CO2 Generator automatically provides the carbon dioxide to meet maximum growing potentials and operates for only pennies a day. It is fully automatic and fully adjustable. Johnson CO2 Generator is safe, reliable, rugged and requires no floor space. USGR Johnson CO2 generator is perfect for greenhouse CO2 production, flower CO2 producers, agriculture CO2 enrichment, warehouse CO2 units, and vegetable CO2 units. They are excellent for vegetable production of many crops. Greenhouse and nursery operators benefited from Johnson CO2 Generator when properly used. Greenhouse CO2 generators work amazingly on a wide variety of crops.

We assert that those people using CO2 equipment are familiar with CO2 operation, installation, testing and maintenance.  USGR gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the use of any equipment that produces CO2.  
