
Stationary Benches

USGR offers a wide variety of crop growing and display benches for greenhouse, nursery and indoor growing facilities including stationary, rolling top, Ebb & Flo and hydroponic growing. We have been instrumental in the development of moveable bench systems and introducing new innovative bench materials and accessories since 1970.

stationary benches
Stationary benches with expanded metal tops.
Legs in concrete (free standing also available).


Research house.
Note poorly maintained
fiberglass covering.

Put your profits first… with the system that’s built to last.

Choose durability, USGR Stationary Benches are built tough, from the
ground up. Bench legs are heavy-gauge galvanized steel. Tube ends are capped
to seal out moisture and chemicals. Steel-aluminum trays resist the
chemicals and water that corrode the profits right out of other benching

Our Stationary Growing and Production Benches are engineered and manufactured with a grower’s needs in mind.

Cross members are adjustable, so leveling now – or in ten years – is
easy. Smooth, continuous operation is assured.

Choose stationary benches in 3′, 3’6″, 4′, 5′, 5’6″ or 6′ widths, with
lengths to your specifications.

Why Choose US?

  • Continuous Air Flow – Reduces fungus by allowing unrestricted air passage.
    Also allows for even distribution of heat and light.
  • Long Life – Hot Dip Zinc coating practically eliminates the need for
    replacement. Also available plain if customer desires to galvanized or
    paint locally.
  • Drainage – 76% open area allows easy drainage.
  • Strong – Pots sit level.
  • Versatile – No spacing problems.
  • No Maintenance – Soil and water drop right through the bench – eliminating
    weed, soil and water accumulation.
  • Light Weight – 94 lb. per one hundred square feet.
  • Replacement – Usually can be adapted to existing frames.
  • Low Cost – You’ll find this bench to be more economical than most bench
    material now used.


  • Heavy gauge legs supplied with a galvanized finish
  • ROLL-FORM components maximize structural integrity
  • One-piece aluminum bench top frame


  • Benches are supplied pre-punched to reduce installation labor
  • Leg anchor BRACKETS attach directly to bench legs
  • Multiple widths available
  • Choose from expanded metal, welded wire or plastic bench tops.

STANDARD BENCH WIDTHS: 3′, 4′, 5′, 5’6″, 6′, 6’6″

Details of stationary bench design
