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$$ Benefits of Supplemental Lighting $$
Can you afford NOT to light??
Potted Plants:
- Plant size will increase up to 30%
- Increase number of flowers with better colour
- More vigorous plant growth
- Easier, more consistent crop scheduling
- Year round uniformity
- Stronger, healthier plants resistant to disease/pests
- Knock days, even weeks off crop times
- Improved quality = 1st to be called
by customers
Bedding Plants:
- Potential to "double-up" spring crops (plant early, ship, plant again, ship)
- Early bloomers sell first
- Plant size increase up to 20%
- Plants are firmer, more vigorous and bran( much better
- Germination increases
Stock Plants:
- Motherplants can produce up to 25% more cuttings
- Larger, heavier cuttings
- Stronger, healthier plants resistant to disease/pests
- Cuttings root faster Cut Flowers:
- Plants produce up to 50% more stems
- Stronger stems less likely to damage during harvesting/packing
- Enhanced colour and size of blooms
- Higher resistance to pests/disease, less pesticides
- Grow summer varieties during winter
- Production planning more predictable and uniform
- Year round production
- Produce when prices are higher
- Large increases in volume kg/m2, better use of growing space
- Less "aborted" flowers
- Healthier disease resistant plants, less pesticides
- Labour planning easier and more uniform
- Better tasting product
- Ability to compete with foreign markets