Everything for Your Growing Needs
Greenhouse structures and systems for many uses, crops and all climates of the world and the equipment to operate them. Also many greenhouse products, systems and supplies to operate the following:
- Horticulture Production Structures
- Vegetable Greenhouses
- Flower Production
- Retail Greenhouse
- Industrial Greenhouses
- Garden Center Systems
- Reforestation Structures
- Government Greenhouses
- Shade House
- Institutional Facilities
- Educational Greenhouse
- Research & Development
- Horticulture Nursery Structures
- Seasonal Greenhouses
- Agricultural Greenhouses
- Aquaculture Growing
- Head House
- Garden Centers for Horticulture
Hydroponic Greenhouses and Organic Greenhouse are increasing in demand.
Numerous operational systems, equipment, and supplies for efficient operation are available. Diverse and unusual situations are not new to us as we have made installations in the arid deserts of the Middle East, the humid conditions of the tropics, the thin air conditions of Tibet, and the extremely cold climates of northern Canada and Alaska. Be it a greenhouse for growing plants for only rain protection or for use as a restaurant, from institutional growing chambers to ranges over 20 acres, our firm has encountered many challenging applications and met them all.
Please look at our Greenhouse Project Photo Album to see pictures and descriptions of some of our more interesting projects.
Please see our Greenhouse Buyers’ Considerations for our ideas about how to buy a greenhouse.
Swimming pool house
Please contact us to discuss your greenhouse needs, and when you are ready for a quotation on a greenhouse, use our Greenhouse Requirement Worksheet to plan for your greenhouse facility.
Greenhouse structures and greenhouse systems
for many uses, crops and all climates of the world and the greenhouse equipment to operate them. Also many greenhouse products, systems and supplies to operate the following types of greenhouses.
- Production Greenhouses
- Vegetable Greenhouses
- Flower Production
- Retail Greenhouses
- Nursery Structures/Greenhouses
- Seasonal Greenhouses
- Garden Center Systems
- Commercial Greenhouses
- Aquaculture Greenhouses
- Head Houses
- Institutional Greenhouses
- Educational Greenhouses
- Research & Development Greenhouses, R&D Greenhouses
- Industrial Greenhouses
- Propagation Greenhouses
- Agricultural Greenhouses
- Reforestation Greenhouses
- Government Greenhouses
- Garden Center Greenhouses
Also, look at the many types of Greenhouse Coverings
offered by USGR as well as supplies and equipment:
Serving the industry since 1941 and still growing
Click here for shows as Buyer’s Guide