A frame rigid truss peak greenhouses


A-Frame greenhouse, rigid truss greenhouse, Peak greenhouse, are interchangeable words for the same style of greenhouse structure.   This style is considered the strongest and most attractive style of greenhouse and often used for retail greenhouses, institutional greenhouses.  The A-Frame greenhouse, Rigid frame greenhouse and Peak greenhouse are built using strong truss supporting structural panels of all types and can be designed to meet most building codes.   We have offered this A-frame greenhouse to clients around the world since 1967 and its rigid truss type is still one of the most sought after high quality structures.

  • Quality Plus: The very best. Ideal A-Frame structure for those looking for strength, quality, appearance and security. As retail, production, all climates and building codes, the best.
  • Super Mart: Outstanding design for lawn and garden retailers. Outstanding appearance designed for plant presentation and public access.
  • Retail Mart:Very popular year around growing.  Big shopping environment.   21 ft wide.  Lengths start at 18 ft up to 144 ft.   With or without removable and adjustable benches and display racks.  Stand alone design.
  • A-Frame Gable Series 7500. Superior production roll-form A-frame peak structures, nests for substantial freight rate. Outstanding strength. Economical production greenhouse to meet most building codes.
  • Ventsetter 4000: A sawtooth house.  Proven consistently as the best natural ventilation available in large production facilities.  Rollform construction.   Can be built with overhead outdoor shade.   Certified to meet international building codes.   Many options.  Great house for warm weather climate.  24 to 30 ft wide.
  • Ventsetter 5000: Rollform. Arches on 6 ft centers. Lots of free air. A sawtooth with modified Quonset style roof.

If you are looking for quality in a greenhouse structure that can accommodate the most modern components to meet all codes, the A-Frame, Rigid Truss, Peak type is for you.
